Today, try this: Only tweet things you think will be of genuine interest to others. Then tomorrow, try it again.
— Stu Maschwitz (@5tu) April 3, 2012
Procrasductivity is when you put off, or procrastinate, the real work you need to do by doing something productive. For example, I stopped in the middle of writing a blog post to create this Maschwikipedia entry.
The entire Magic Bullet product line began as procrasductivity — me tinkering with stuff when I should have been working on movies.
Patina is the male word for “I don’t want to clean that.”
Stu's First Law of Cars
The faster the car, the more likely the driver will be sitting there dicking with their phone long after the light has turned green.
A masturbatory amount of Boke.
Porange is what color people are. Not quite pink, not quite orange. Porange only defines a hue—people come in all kinds of saturations and lightnesses, but for the most part they are very similar in hue.
Defaultica is the default font. When you whip up a quick title card in your NLE without changing the font or even thinking about it, that’s defaultica.
Syn.: Freelance.