Eric is off to a great start with PrepShootPost. Today's entry is entitled "Skin Tones," and in it he explores and verifies the claim that the miriad of human ethnicities all tend to land on the same axis of the vectorscope, making that "flesh tone" demarcation a racially unbiased target.
To many, the most sought-after colorists are those who can create the most compelling skin tones. But lately I've seen a few films where actors' pinkish visages pop out of otherwise bleak palettes in a disjointed, artificial way. An empirically correct face in a completely blue-gray world can either be subtly beautiful or distractingly artificial. I find that rendering attractive, believable skin in a pushed look is one of those challenges that keeps color correction endlessly interesting and rewarding, but sometimes I'm experimenting to see how far I can go, knowing that I'd never actually want to go that far.