I know its April first, but I assure you, I am deadly serious about this: Free ProLost wallpapers for your new iPad. Right-click to download the 1024x1024 originals one at a time, or download them all in a zip archive.
They’re square so they can work in both portrait and landscape modes—the iPad crops them on the fly. Some are definitely on the busy size, but you can set a different image as your lock screen, so maybe they have a place there.
All images were processed in the new Lightroom 3 Public Beta 2.
Since I don’t have an iPad yet, I don’t know which of these will work the best—please let me know in the comments which work out well for you this weekend!

These images are copyrighted, but free for you to use as wallpaper and lock screen images on your personal iPad. If you want to share them, please link to this page.