Atn. Canon Japan

Canon EOS 5D Mark IIのビデオモードはフィルムメーカー達にとってとても素晴らしいものです。だが、次の二つの変更でさらにそれは完璧なものとなるでしょう。

  • オプションで24フレーム/秒への対応(24fpsは映画の基準コマ速度)
  • シャッター、絞り、ISOのマニュアルコントロール

これらの機能がファームウェアアップデートによって5D Mark IIに実装されることを切に願っています。もし不可能な場合、次のビデオモード付き一眼レフカメラに実装することを何卒ご検討下さい。 


In English:

The video mode on the Canon EOS 5D Mark II is very exciting to filmmakers. It would be perfect with only two changes:

  • an option for 24 frames per second, the frame rate of film
  • manual control of shutter, aperture, and ISO
I hope that you might be able to add these features in a firmware update to the 5D Mark II. If not, please consider them for your next video-enabled DSLR.


How freaking cool is that? Thanks to Saru for the translation.

Oh Canon...

How can you, on the same page, say both this (italics mine):

…This sensor size difference means that for any given combination of aperture value, subject distance and angle of view, images from the EOS 5D Mark II are going to have much shallower depth of field than images from a conventional HD device… This difference in the look of movies created by the EOS 5D Mark II is part of the reason why we believe it will be embraced by creative professionals.

…and this:

In addition to the adjustable settings listed above, the following settings are made automatically by the camera and cannot be adjusted by the user:

  • ISO speed
  • Shutter speed (from 1/30 to 1/125)
  • Aperture

Yep, if there’s one thing creative professional embrace, it’s an utter lack of control.

Please Canon, the camera is released, it’s a huge hit. Get to work on a firmware update to add 24p and manual exposure control.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II in the Wild

The Canon EOS 5D Mark II has shipped in Asia, and the videos are pouring in. Today we have a Korean adaptation of Reverie and some gorgeous Beijing streets at night, complete with perhaps my most vivid Beijing memory, constant spitting.

Both of these movies allow Vimeo members to download the originals for closer inspection, which is worth doing as Vimeo tops out at 24 fps for HD. That means these 30 fps movies are getting a crappy 24p conversion when Vimeo compresses them, which hides some of the 30p smoothness, but not in a good way. Watching the originals, you vividly perceive the you-are-there smoothness that comes from 30 fps and a 360 degree shutter. Some love it, I hate it, but regardless of how you feel, on Vimeo you are not getting the true 5DmkII footage experience.


Discussion with Dan Chung here.

Vincent Laforet has some new footage up on his blog as well, including some aerial tilt-shift work.